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Secrets to Help Your Teen Succeed in High School


Secrets to Help Your Teen Succeed in High School

The Learning Process Achieving a goal is not magic.

The adolescent must understand that the result he obtains (success or failure) is the logical and causal (cause and effect) result of his attitudes (motivation, autonomy) and the strategies he uses.

Parents have a big role to play in making the teenager understand that his value as a person is not questioned when he obtains a negative result or when he does not achieve the goal he is trying to achieve. was fixed.

Rather, it is the attitude and the means employed that must be questioned.

In this regard, let us emphasize that the adolescent must be aware that good academic performance is a matter of motivation, autonomy and working method, much more than intellectual potential.

It follows that parents should place more importance on the learning process than on the results. In this perspective, they must help the young person to evaluate, after the fact, the attitudes and the means which have led to success or failure.

In this way, the teenager will be able to realize that he was not sufficiently motivated or that he did not choose the right means to achieve his goal.

He will also realize that he can control his own pace and learning style by correcting or adjusting his attitudes and means.

Accept your mistakes.

Error plays a crucial role in the learning process. When the teenager is aware of the mistakes he makes, he avoids repeating them by changing the strategies he uses to achieve his goals.

This way, he can experience success and feel efficient. In order for the adolescent to accept making mistakes, parents must themselves demonstrate their capacity to accept their mistakes.

Ask yourself if you can admit your mistakes.

When I make a mistake, I tend to ...

• deny it;

• camouflage it;

• hold others accountable or blame the circumstances;

• get angry with myself;

• devalue myself;

• be anxious;

• be tense and perfectionist;

• fear the reactions of others;

• see the error as a failure;

• abandon the activity.

If you do not tolerate mistakes, your attitudes are likely to foster a tendency towards perfectionism or discouragement in your teen.

It is important to reduce your demands on yourself and your child. The desire for perfection takes too much energy and causes too much stress.

On the other hand, if you easily accept the mistake and also look for strategies to recognize and correct it, you help reduce stress.

You help your Teenager  take charge and perceive themselves positively.

It is important for parents to take the time to tell the teenager how they recognized their mistakes and how they corrected them.

In this way, they give him a model of evolution and hope. It is also essential to play down mistakes.

American businessman Henry Ford said of this: “Mistakes are great opportunities to get smarter".

Thanks to their parents and their attitude to mistakes, teens realize that the mistakes they make do not undermine their self-esteem.

This is important, because self-esteem and motivation are the basis of any learning process.

The more the adolescent succeeds in what he sets out, the more efficient and proud he will feel, gradually developing a sense of competence.

To feel competent is to be convinced that you can successfully overcome any challenge if you adopt the right attitudes and the right strategies.

This feeling gives the teenager hope and gives him access to many learnings.

Fostering adolescent motivation.

 Motivation is the internal energy of any wise learner.

It is the basis of commitment and persistence in activities. Many parents would like to give their teenager a motivational injection.

This is obviously impossible and it is better to rely on the contagion effect.

For example, parents who rarely read, who have no intellectual life, or who have no interest in their teenager's school life cannot get them to be interested in academic or intellectual activities.

Self-assessment and pedagogical assessment:

The question of the influence of pedagogical assessment on adolescent self-esteem is also of interest.

In Russian psychology, this issue was comprehensively studied by B.G. Ananiev, who identified two main functions of pedagogical assessment: orienting (impact on the intellectual sphere) and stimulating (impact on the affective-volitional sphere of the personality).

The combination of these functions forms the child's knowledge of himself and the experience of his own qualities, that is, self-awareness and self-esteem.

The evaluative influence of the educator also affects the developing relationships of children in the classroom, their mutual evaluation, expressed, for example, in the popularity and reputation of each individual student.

The study by E.L. Nosenko was aimed at identifying the mechanisms of connection between the adolescent's self-esteem and the success of his education.

The researcher did not confine herself to the general thesis about the influence of self-esteem on the decrease in the performance of a teenager with low self-esteem due to his lower self-confidence.

The author suggested that the mechanism of influence of self-esteem on the effectiveness of a child's intellectual activity is based on emotional experiences that accompany the activity of a teenager.

The research results have shown that the level of self-esteem of adolescents significantly affects both the qualitative indicators of the effectiveness of intellectual activity and the time of its implementation if emotional factors are present in the situation (for example, the stress of failure, increased responsibility for the quality of activity, etc.).

In adolescents with low self-esteem, indicators of the quality of activity in emotionogenic situations are lower on a statistically significant level than in adolescents with high self-esteem, and the time for performing activities is longer.

The author explains this tendency by the worse adaptation of adolescents with low self-esteem to emotiogenic situations, which leads to the emergence of emotional tension, which negatively affects the qualitative characteristics of the time of the activity.


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ACKER, Vincent. Ados, comment les motiver: la méthode Gordon appliquée à la motivation scolaire. Alleur: Marabout, 2000. 279 p.

Duclos, Germain L’estime de soi des adolescents

A.A. Rean "Human psychology from birth to death"    
